Monitor Window Registry Key value change ashynchronously Javascript

Here is sample code to monitor registry value change without hanging the thread.

Its sample code so use properly.

var g_DefaultTimeOutForRegMonitoring = 15000;
MonitoRegistryValue: function (szRegKeyVal, val) { // Key value path and value to watch
var intervalID;
var regKey = szRegKeyVal;
var value = val;

intervalID = setInterval(function (regKey, value) {
try {
var ret;
ret = g_objRegUtil.ReadValueFromRegistry(szRegKeyVal);
                if (ret == value)
                // Check ret value and make decision
} catch (err) {

}, 5);

// We will wait for certain time else break the watch
setTimeout(function () {
}, g_DefaultTimeOutForRegMonitoring);


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