Just set islightdismissenabled property true for control. If popup is enabled and user clicks any where else the popup will be automatically disappeared.
Here the sample code to start XML programming using XML dom parser. // TestXML1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #import #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include //sample xml u can copy paste it in note pad and save it with .xml extension and store in location c:\ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CoInitialize (NULL); CComPtr pXMlDoc = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pXMlDoc)); VARIANT_BOOL boolval; CComVariant path ="c:\\cdcat.xml"; hr = pXMlDoc->load(path,&boolval); BSTR val ; pXMlDoc->get_xml(&val); MessageBox(0,val,_T("TEST"),0); pXMlDoc = NULL; CoUninitialize(); return 0; }
Sample Code.... class Test { int x; int y; public:Test(int z) { x=y=z; } }; class Test1 { Test t; const int b; Test1(int z):t(1),b(10) { } }; CSomeClass::CSomeClass() { x=0; y=1; } and in other places I see it written this way: CSomeClass::CSomeClass() : x(0), y(1) { } Some of my programmer friends say that it's better to do it the second way, but no one knows why. Can you tell me the difference between these two methods of initializing class members? A Technically your friends are right, but in most cases it makes no difference. There are two reasons to use the second syntax, which is called a member initialization list: one is necessity, the other efficiency. Let's examine the first reasonâ"necessity. Suppose you have a class member that is itself a class or struct, and this class only has one constructor that requires an argument. class CMember { public: CMember(int x) { ... } }; Since CMember has an explicit constructor, the compiler do...
ESENT –JET APIs to create database in Metro Style App on Windows 8- ESENT dll is a part of windows SDK and provides apis to create and manage database on metro style application there is two major choices that can be used to implement databse in metro style application: 1. SqlLite v3 2. ESENT – JET database model SQLLite3 is not officially annouced to be used as database engine on windows8. But winrt version is already available to play with database. ESENT is already the part of windows8 so winrt support is already their to link esentlib statically to use the application. JET apis are much flexible to create indexed base database and can be used to create huge database with thousands of table and columns. JET apis introduced in different levels according to plateform like win2000, WINXP , VISTA and above. Most of structures changed due to unicode support and security enhancement. I have cre...