Simle c code to create link list

Here i have written the best code to start makin link list so enjoy the code.......
struct node{ int Data,struct *NextNodeAddress};//defined structure of node
//now we will make a golobal head node
struct node *Head = NULL;
//now going to create node
strct node * makenode(int data)
struct node *TempNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));//memory created
TempNode->Data = data;
TempNode->NextNodeAddress = NULL;
return TempNode;
//used malloc function to create node and use type cast create node type data
//create the list
void CreateList(struct ** node Head,struct node *NodeToAdd)
struct node *TempNode =&Head;
if(&Head == NULL)
{ &Head = NodeToAdd;
TempNode = NodeToAdd;}
else{ TempNode->NextNodeAddress = NodeToAdd;
TempNode = NodeTOAdd;
inside the main functionjst put the following call in loop to create olist dynamicallly'
the above code is the simplest code to learn and create the link list


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