Customize Outlook message inbox View VC++ code
Here I am using VC++ code and OUTLOOK object model to add new column or field in outlook inbox message view. Like other fields ( importance,subject date ....) i am going to add new custom field. **Note...I tried a lot to add a ICON type value using bitmap like read unread mail in that column bt i couldnt... In simple I used a text type value for this field: Bellow two functions written : Over view: MicroSoft stores the Outlook view in XML form just need to get the XML and modify it. a lots of security and other issue involved here to know morw about it go to Creating Custom Views artical of microsoft and get alot: CConnect::AddNewViewField() { Outlook::_NameSpace * pNamespacePtr; MAPIFolder *pFolderptr; View * pViewPtr; BSTR strXMl; BSTR modifiedXMLSTr; m_spApp->GetNamespace(_T("MAPI"),&pNamespacePtr); pNamespacePtr->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox , &pFolderptr); pFolderptr->get_CurrentView(&pViewPtr); pViewPtr->get_XML(&strXMl); modifi...