How To create PreProcessed File in VC++
To Create a preprocessed file u need to compile a file with Following command line argument. 1 - CL /D [Macro ] (eg : _DEBUG) /EP /P filename(eg ....\123.c) it will generate a .i file with same file name (eg - 123.i) The qs is y do i need to create such a preprocessed file. I am a c++ developer but qnce i need to use some java file to compile written by other person with good coding style using #IFDEF and #endif macros that is not allowed in java so i was nt able to compile that file.then to compile that java file i need to first preprocess that file to remove this macros and then build the java file. then steps involved in that: 1 - try to find out wht code need to seperate 2 - write command with given preprocess variables checks 3 compile it the u will get output inform of .i file rename it as the format it required(eg .i to .java) Simplest way to get aal the required option for preprocessing if u r a .NET user Project or file setting enable the preprocessing optiopn prop - > c++...